Sound Mixer

Unfortunately Windows Vista has an inconvenient sound mixer. SlyControl can adjust the sound volume for himself, but not for other applications.

Solution 1: Right click the executable and click the Properties option. Select the Compatibility tab. Select the Run This Program in Compatibility Mode option. From the drop-down list, choose Windows XP (SP2).

Solution 2: It is not perfect, but it works. It is necessary to modify the script sndmixer.scs for using the emulation of multimedia keyboard:

RemoteMute = Hook( "REMOTE", "MUTE", Enabled, Break ){
Break( RemoteMute <> 0 )
Keyboard("PRESS", "VolumeMute") }

RemoteVolUp = Hook( "REMOTE", "VOL_UP", Enabled, Break ){
Break( RemoteVolUp < 0 )
Keyboard("PRESS", "VolumeUp" ) }

RemoteVolDown = Hook( "REMOTE", "VOL_DOWN", Enabled, Break ){
Break( RemoteVolDown < 0 )
Keyboard("PRESS", "VolumeDown" ) }

Events: none


<Value> = sndMixer( <Command>, <Source>, <Control> [, <Value>] )

Fills ext params:
@1 - Source name
@2 - Control name
@3 - % of max volume




0 or 1 for "Mute"
0..255 for "Volume"

SndMixer( "Set", "Master", "Volume", 255 ) # set 100%
SndMixer( "Down", "Master", "Volume", 13 ) # down to 95% (242)
SndMixer( "Set", "Master", "Mute", 1 ) # mute sound
SndMixer( "Toggle", "Master", "Mute" ) # unmute sound
v = SndMixer( "Get", "Master", "Volume" ) # get master volume and name
OSD( "%s - %s: %d (%d%%)", @1, @2, v, @3 )