
Events: none


ZoomPlayer( <Command> [, <Param>] )


"GET_HANDLE" - returns the HWND of the ZoomPlayer main window

"MOUSE_MIDDLE" - Mouse Middle Button Click
"MOUSE_WHILE_UP" - Mouse Wheel Up
"MOUSE_WHILE_DOWN" - Mouse Wheel Down

"KEY", <keyboard scancode> - emulating keystrokes
"ALT_KEY", <keyboard scancode>
"CTRL_KEY", <keyboard scancode>
"SHIFT_KEY", <keyboard scancode>
"ALT_SHIFT_KEY", <keyboard scancode>
"ALT_CTRL_KEY", <keyboard scancode>
"CTRL_SHIFT_KEY", <keyboard scancode>
"ALT_SHIFT_CTRL_KEY", <keyboard scancode>

"Play" - Play / Pause
"Pause" - Pause
"Stop" - Stop
"StopToFirst" - Stop to First Track
"NextChapter" - Go to Next Chapter (Internal or OGM in Media mode and DVD Bookmark in DVD mode)
"PrevChapter" - Go to Previous Chapter (Internal or OGM or OGM in Media mode and DVD Bookmark in DVD mode)
"NextTrack" - Go to Next Track
"PrevTrack" - Go to Previous Track
"NextFrame" - Frame Step Forward
"PrevFrame" - Frame Step Backward
"NextVid" - Play Next Video in current directory
"PrevVid" - Play Previous Video in current directory
"SkipForward" - Skip forward a specified number of seconds
"SkipBackward" - Skip backward a specified number of seconds
"JumpForward" - Jump forward a specified number of seconds
"JumpBackward" - Jump backward a specified number of seconds
"SeekForward" - Seek forward a specified number of seconds
"SeekBackward" - Seek backward a specified number of seconds
"FastForward" - Play in Fast Forward
"Rewind" - Rewind Playback (only in DVD mode)
"SlowMotion" - Play in Slow Motion
"HalfFF" - Half Fast forward speed
"HalfSM" - Half Slow Motion speed
"VolUp" - Increase Volume
"VolDown" - Decrease Volume
"Mute" - Mute Volume (ON/OFF)
"ABRepeat" - Start, Stop and Cancel AB-Repeat
"PlayEndCycle" - Cycle through the "On Play Complete" values
"ZoomAxis" - Toggles the Zoom Axis (used with Zoom-In / Zoom-Out)
"ZoomIn" - Zoom into video (enlarge video area)
"ZoomOut" - Zoom out of video (shrink video area)
"ZoomInWidth" - Stretch the video width
"ZoomOutWidth" - Shrink the video width
"ZoomInHeight" - Stretch the video height
"ZoomOutHeight" - Shrink the video height
"Zoom" - Zoom Mode
"FullScreen" - Fullscreen Mode
"FitSource" - Resize video to the original source size
"Max" - Maximize video/window to fullscreen
"Minimize" - Minimize Player
"ARCycle" - Cycle through Aspect Ratio settings
"RevARCycle" - Reverse Cycle through Aspect Ratio settings
"Bar" - Control Bar Show / Hide
"OSD" - On Screen Display Toggle (ON/OFF)
"Open" - Open File
"OpenDir" - Open Directory
"Info" - Playback Information Dialog
"Options" - Options Dialog
"Presets" - Presets Dialog
"PlayList" - PlayList Dialog
"Chapter" - Chapter / Bookmark Editor Dialog
"Skin" - Skin Selector
"KeyHelp" - Opens the Keyboard Hotkey Dialog
"Exit" - Exit application
"AddChapter" - Add Current Position to Chapter Editor
"SaveChapter" - Save Chapter List
"DVDMode" - Switch between the Media and DVD Modes
"DVDRootMenu" - Go to the DVD's Root Menu
"DVDTitleMenu" - Go to the DVD's Title Menu
"DVDSubMenu" - Go to the DVD's Subtitle Menu
"DVDAudioMenu" - Go to the DVD's Audio Menu
"DVDAngleMenu" - Go to the DVD's Angle Menu
"DVDChapterMenu" - Go to the DVD's Chapter Menu
"DVDMenuLeft" - Move left on a DVD Menu
"DVDMenuRight" - Move right on a DVD Menu
"DVDMenuUp" - Move up on a DVD Menu
"DVDMenuDown" - Move down on a DVD Menu
"DVDMenuSelect" - Activate selected Menu item
"DVDCC" - Closed Captions ON/OFF
"DVDAngle" - Cycle through DVD Angles or OGG Video Tracks when in Media mode.
"DVDSub" - Cycle through DVD Subtitles or VobSub/OGG Subtitle Tracks when in Media mode.
"AudioTrack" - Cycle through Media or DVD Audio Tracks
"StayOnTop" - Stay On Top (ON / OFF)
"MPEG" - MPEG/DivX/Video Decoder Dialog (if filter is in use)
"Sub" - Opens the VobSub dialog (if filter is in use)
"AudioFilter" - TFM/DeDynamic Audio Filter Dialog (if filter is in use)
"IncRate" - Increase Play rate
"DecRate" - Decrease Play rate
"PrevFilterFile" - Previous Manual Filter File
"NextFilterFile" - Next Manual Filter File
"SaveDF" - Save Definition File for the currently open media
"FrameCapture" - Frame capture (filter must be manually enabled)
"Pattern" - Cycle Pattern Modes
"Eject" - Eject the selected drive (ZIP,JAZ,Sparq, SyJet, etc. plus any CD-Roms)
"OverlayControl" - Show/Hide Overlay Color Control Interface
"OverlayApply" - Apply the Overlay Color Controls (same as button in options)
"OverlayReset" - Reset the Overlay Color Controls back to their default settings
"IncBrightness" - Increase Overlay Brightness
"DecBrightness" - Decrease Overlay Brightness
"IncContrast" - Increase Overlay Contrast
"DecContrast" - Decrease Overlay Contrast
"IncGamma" - Increase Overlay Gamma
"DecGamma" - Decrease Overlay Gamma
"IncHue" - Increase Overlay Hue
"DecHue" - Decrease Overlay Hue
"IncSaturation" - Increase Overlay Saturation
"DecSaturation" - Decrease Overlay Saturation
"Unpause" - Unpause the video (Discrete Play)
"AddALBookmark" - Add DVD Auto-Load Bookmark (DVD Only)
"SeekToStart" - Seek to start of Video
"AudioDecoder" - Pop the property dialog of filters with "Audio Decoder" in their titles
"DVDMenuPrev" - Return from DVD Sub-Menu. If on Top Menu then Resume playback.
"ChapterNav" - Show/Hide the Chapter/Bookmark Navigator dialog
"PlayListNav" - Show/Hide the Play List Navigator dialog
"FileNav" - Show/Hide the File Navigator dialog
"BlankingNav" - Show/Hide the Blanking Navigator dialog
"BlankingPreset" - Show/Hide the Blanking Presets dialog
"Blanking" - Show/Hide the Video Blanking
"RandomPlay" - Turns Random (shuffle) Play ON/OFF
"ResizeNav" - Show/Hide the Resize Navigator dialog
"DisableDVDSub" - Disable DVD Subtitle in DVD mode or VobSub/OGG Subtitles in Media mode
"PresetCycle" - Cycle through Video Position Presets
"RevPresetCycle" - Reverse Cycle through Video Position Presets
"BlankCycle" - Cycle through Blanking Position Presets
"RevBlankCycle" - Reverse Cycle through Blanking Position Presets
"DVDPlayStart" - Play DVD bypassing Auto-Bookmark loading features
"NextArrowFunc" - Next Active Arrow Control function
"PrevArrowFunc" - Previous Active Arrow Control function
"AutoARToggle" - Enable/Disable Automatic DVD Aspect Ratio
"FrameZeroALBM" - Attempt setting a DVD Auto-Load bookmark at frame zero (DVD Only)
"PauseAtEOF" - Pause Playback at end of currently playing file (Media Only)
"SceneCut" - Show/Hide the Scene Cut Editor
"GoTo" - Show/Hide the GoTo Timeline dialog
"GoToNav" - Show/Hide the GoTo Timeline Navigator interface
"MWFuncNav" - Show/Hide the Mouse Wheel Function Navigator interface
"Loop" - Switch between Do Nothing and Auto Reply on Play Complete


PlayRemote = Hook( "REMOTE", "PLAY", Enabled, Break ){
Break( PlayRemote <> 0 )
ZoomPlayer( "Play" )
OSD.ActionPreset( Play )